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Novena to Saint Joseph the Worker

Feast Day: 1 May
Novena: 23 April - 1 May

Novena Prayer 

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St. Joseph, by the work of your hands and the sweat of your brow, you supported Jesus and Mary, and had the Son of God as your fellow worker. Teach me to work as you did, with patience and perseverance, for God and for those whom God has given me to support.


Teach me to see in my fellow workers the Christ who desires to be in them, that I may always be charitable and forbearing towards all. Grant me to look upon work with the eyes of faith, so that I shall recognize in it my share in God's own creative activity and in Christ's work of our redemption, and so take pride in it.


When it is pleasant and productive, remind me to give thanks to God for it. And when it is burdensome, teach me to offer it to God, in reparation for my sins and the sins of the world.

O good father St. Joseph! I beg you, by all your sufferings, sorrows and joys, to obtain for me what I ask.


 (Name your petition)


Obtain for all those who have asked my prayers, everything that is useful to them in the plan of God. Be near to me in my last moments that I may eternally sing the praises of

Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Amen.


(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be)

*Prayer taken from Religious Brother’s Day Guide booklet*




© 2024 Carmelite Friars

North American Province of Saint Elias

 Middletown, N.Y.


Contact Information:     Tel: 845-344-2225

Fr. Anthony Trung Nguyen, O.Carm., Director of Vocations  

Fr. Paul Richmond, O.Carm., Assistant Director of Vocations

Mrs. Rosemary Williams, Vocations Office Secretary

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